8F 2022
8 mars
8 Femmes photographes
et artistes
Journée internationale
de la Femme:
mon hommage à
8 Femmes photographes et artistes célèbres.
Parcourez le livre
en français
on Issuu
International Women's Day:
my tribute to 8
great Women photographers and artists.
8th March
8 Women photographers
and artists
Browse the book
in English
on Issuu
Giornata internazionale
della Donna:
il mio tributo a
8 grandi Donne fotografe e artiste.
8 Donne
e artiste

8 mars
8 Femmes Photographes
Journée internationale
de la femme:
mon hommage à
8 femmes photographes
célèbres avec leurs livres dans les rues
de Genève.
Une façon de partager la culture.
Photographies et textes
de Ramona Vada
8F 2021
8th March
8 Women Photographers
International Women's Day:
my tribute to 8
great Women Photographers
with their books in the streets of Geneva.
A way to share culture.
Photographs and texts
by Ramona Vada
8 Donne
Giornata internazionale
della donna:
il mio tributo a 8 grandi fotografe donne con i loro
libri per le strade
di Ginevra.
Un modo per condividere la cultura.
Fotografie e
di Ramona Vada
Browse the e-book in French and Italian
Parcourez le livre
on issuu
Sfoglia il libro
on issuu

LA SPOSA ESPLOSA/in domestic microcosm
MAMMASCHERA/ maternity is a change
DEFORMING MIRRORS/we see ourselves in the mirror
FOOD IN CAGE/ food obsession
NOR-M-ODEL/ a beauty project
ECOUTEZ/ you don't listen to me, I can't hear you


Some of my pink steps in Geneva
"Volevo che le mie fotografie fossero un atto di denuncia. Non è avvenuto, e se anche sono servite a qualcosa non è stato sufficiente. Tanta gente, tanta brava gente è morta e le cose in Sicilia non sono cambiate. Solo questo conta".
"I wanted my photographs to be an act of denunciation.It did not happen, and if they even served something, it was not enough. So many people, so good people died and things in Sicily did not change.
Only this counts ".
"Je voulais que mes photographies soient un acte de dénonciation. Cela ne s'est pas produit. Même si elles servent quelque chose, ce n'est pas assez, tant de personnes, de si bonnes personnes sont mortes et les choses en Sicile n'ont pas changé.
Seulement ça compte ".
w o r d s
about photography
I'm an Italian professional photographer, visual designer, curator.
I'm based in Geneva.
I photograph everything...but I prefer it to be pink ;-)
Photography is a serious matter!